import binascii import simplesha3 hash = simplesha3.keccakc512 # SHA-3 winner with 256-bit output p = 2^256 - 2^224 + 2^192 + 2^96 - 1 # standard NIST P-256 prime k = GF(p) def secure(A,B): n = EllipticCurve([k(A),k(B)]).cardinality() return (n.is_prime() and (2*p+2-n).is_prime() and Integers(n)(p).multiplicative_order() * 100 >= n-1 and Integers(2*p+2-n)(p).multiplicative_order() * 100 >= 2*p+2-n-1) def str2int(seed): return Integer(seed.encode('hex'),16) A = p-3 S = '3ADCC48E36F1D1926701417F101A75F000118A739D4686E77278325A825AA3C6' B = str2int(hash(binascii.unhexlify(S))) # verifiably random if secure(A,B): print 'p',hex(p).upper() print 'A',hex(A).upper() print 'B',hex(B).upper() # output: # p FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF # A FFFFFFFF00000001000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC # B BADA55ECD8BBEAD3ADD6C534F92197DEB47FCEB9BE7E0E702A8D1DD56B5D0B0C